Monday, June 16, 2014


Oyster mushroom cultivation often fail because the techniques and ways of farming that is less true. Although easy, to consider factors such as the environment, cleanliness, and consistency during treatment. If these factors can not be catered for then the result is less than optimal even probable potential for causing failure. 

Oyster mushroom slightly creamy white body with a diameter of 3-14 cm. These mushrooms have mycelium. This fungal fruiting bodies that have high economic value and the purpose of oyster mushroom cultivation. Oyster mushroom cultivation techniques ranging from preparation to post harvest very worth noting that entrepreneurs really understand so much control of the maintenance and control of plant pests.

Preparation of Oyster Mushroom Cultivation

Before planting, the things that support oyster mushroom cultivation should be readily available, including home kumbung baglog, rack baglog, oyster mushroom spawn and cultivating equipment. (Can you see the article in Oyster Mushroom Cultivation Preparation). Keep the oyster mushroom cultivation using certified seed which can be purchased from other farmers or local department of agriculture. Oyster mushroom cultivation equipment is quite simple, affordable prices, we can capitalize even kitchen appliances.

To optimize results in the cultivation of oyster mushroom in the lowlands can be done with modifications to the material and measuring media, ie, by adding or reducing the dose of each ingredient of the general standard. In a small-scale, experimental in determining the dose of media materials is very important in order to obtain the right dose. This is because the fungus is cultivated in different growing environments would require nutrients and different media depending on local environmental conditions. Until now there is no standard composition of the medium for the cultivation of oyster mushroom in the lowlands, thus modifying the medium farmers and the environment based on the experience and condition of each.

As the media grows oyster mushrooms, sawdust serves as a provider of nutrients for the fungus. The wood used should be of hardwood sawdust as the type of potential in increasing the yield of oyster mushroom. This is because it contains a lot of hardwood cellulose needed by the fungus. The types of hardwood that can be used as an oyster mushroom growing media among others sengon, village wood, and mahogany. To get sawdust farmers must get it in place sawmill. Before being used as a medium usually sebuk composted wood must first be able to break down into simpler compounds that are easily digested by the fungus. Sawdust composting process is done by using plastic or tarp shut for 1-2 days. Composting takes place with both a temperature rise of about 50 degrees C.

Alternative materials that can be used to replace wood dust is a wide range of pulp, eg coffee grounds, paper pulp, bagasse, and tea waste. However, based on the experience of oyster mushroom farmers in the lowlands, a good medium to use permanent wood sawdust.

Media form of bran / rice bran and corn flour serves as a substrate and producing calories for mold growth. Before buying bran and corn meal, you should make sure the ingredients are still new. If using materials that have long feared has happened fermentation can result in the growth of undesirable species of fungi. Based on this research, the use of bran or corn teung provide the same quality of results fungi because the nutrient content of the two materials are similar. However, the use of bran is considered more efficient because it can cut costs and tend to be easy to find because it is widely used as an animal feed. Limestone (CaCO3) serves as a source of minerals and pH regulator. The content of Ca in the lime can neutralize acid released meselium fungus can also cause the pH of the media to be low.

Containers are used to put the media mix is ​​heat resistant clear plastic bag (PE 0.002) measuring 20 cm x 30 cm. The composition of seedling media is 100 kg of sawdust; corn flour 10 kg; fine bran or bran 10 kg; 0.5 kg of compost; limestone (CaCO3) 0.5 kg; and 50-60% water. There are two things to note before planting mushrooms, namely sterilization and sterilization materials baglog.

Sterilization Materials 

Before being mixed with other media, sawdust and bran sterilized prior to use the oven for 6-8 hours at a temperature of 100 degrees C. In addition to the reduced sterilization of microorganisms that cause kontaminsasi also menguranngi moisture content on wood sawdust. Thus, the media becomes more dry. Both ingredients are mixed and given water kemmudian around 50-60% until the dough becomes smooth and can be clenched. Water works in the absorption of nutrients by the mycelium. Water used to clean water to reduce the risk of contamination of other organisms in the media. In entering into the plastic media, the media should really Padar so many mushrooms that can be produced. So make sure that the ingredients have been pretty solid in the plastic by means of pressing the dough until completely solid, then the top of the bag ring mounted gutter and subsequently covered with a plastic bag and tied with a cotton stopper rubber.

Sterilization Baglog 

Sterilization is done by inserting baglog baglog to dallam autoclave or heater / steamer with a temperature of 121 degrees C for 15 minutes. To change the use of an autoclave or streamer, can use large capacity drum with or able to accommodate about 50 baglog and heated on the stove or oil can also use the oven. Indeed, sterilization baglog using drums take longer time, which is about 8 hours, but it is considered savings. 

Once the sterilization process is complete, baglog then cooled, ie with a lethal temperature sterilizer and let down a little by little. After the cooling process, then planting seeds mushrooms.

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